
Ion Iordachi: Messages at EPC Summit are essential for investment climate


The European Political Community Summit that will take place in the Republic of Moldova and the messages that will be transmitted later will represent a clear signal for potential investors. The key messages that will be transmitted there will be essential for the investments that will be made in different sectors of the economy and not only, Ion Iordachi, deputy director general of the Investment Agency, said in a public debate hosted by IPN.

“It is a unique opportunity for us. We are expecting over 1,000 journalists to come to the Republic of Moldova. The image of our country will definitely be promoted gratis. I speak about the investment attractiveness, such as the creation of logistics chains Republic of Moldova – Ukraine – EU, facilitation of exports to the EU, etc. I think that after June 1, there will be clear messages and signals for investors that we are safe. There are particular signals that the people who come to invest perceive very calmly. These messages should be used in different sectors,” stated Ion Iordachi.

He noted that even if the benefits will not be immediate, advantages in the medium-and long-terms are guaranteed. “This event instantaneously takes you to a particular place. Immediately after the summit, we need to capitalize on the benefits of this event. It is one thing when the potential consumers do not know anything about the products of the Republic of Moldova and it is another thing when particular messages are transmitted and the consumer’s perception changes,” said the deputy director general of the Investment Agency.

He went on to say that immediately after the venue of the summit was announced, interest in particular sectors with investment potential increased. “Demands were formulated through economic diplomacy and articles will appear in specialized newspapers right after the summit. A lot of work is to be done through economic diplomacy. We must offer instruments to cope with these demands and to ensure immediate results,” stated Ion Iordachi.

As to the potential risks, he said that it is important not to exaggerate Moldova’s investment possibilities. “It is very hard to attract an investor and persuade this to come to the country. This summit will change our position. The investor must know the reality and we must be sincere. We don’t make exaggerated promises, but explain exactly what we have on the labor market, etc. We must make effort after the summit too as this event will facilitate the attraction of workforce and of talents to those areas where we do not have skilled workers or have insufficient workers,” said Iordachi.

The public debate entitled “European Political Community Summit – responsibilities and economic opportunities opened for the Republic of Moldova” was the fourth installment of IPN’s project “Support for European Integration by stimulating discussion in the mass media about the European Political Community (EPC) Summit” that is supported by Soros Foundation Moldova.