
Ion Chicu: Klaus Iohannis’ visit to Moldova lacked content


The outgoing Prime Minister of Moldova Ion Chicu said the visit paid by the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis to Chisinau was political and lacked content. Even so, Ion Chicu noted that Romania transmitted a signal of support for which he thanked it, IPN reports.

The official noted the Romanian delegation didn’t ask for a meeting with the Cabinet members and the Cabinet, for its part, didn’t expect such steps to be taken.

“I’m glad and want to thank the Romanian authorities and Government for the support from which we benefitted regardless of the relations at governmental level. We were treated like brothers and I want to thank again the Romanian people for their assistance in this difficult period. Regrettably, the policy pursued by the previous Government of Romania dictated the relationship with the country’s government,” Ion Chicu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

He noted that the Government led by Ludovic Orban was politically biased during the election campaign and even dared to interfere in the internal affairs of the Moldovan state. “We are strategic partners, countries with extraordinary friendly relations and we should develop these. But it was evident and we should say it – there was interference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova,” stated Ion Chicu.

He said the opinions of the Moldovan and Romanian politicians no longer matter as the relations between the two states are built by the citizens, not by the politicians. “It is an irreversible process and we should congratulate each other on this”.

On December 29, during his visit to Moldova, Klaus Iohannis announced a new package of support for Moldova. Romania will supply drugs, medical and protective equipment for looking after patients with COVID-19 and 200,000 COVID-19 vaccines and also about 6,000 tonnes of diesel fuel for farmers in foreign assistance.

Ion Chicu and a number of ministers, including the ministers of health, economy and finance, will hold the posts on an interim basis until December 31, 2020 only. A number of state secretaries will also leave. Some of the politicians and experts said this is a scorched earth policy. The Moldovan legislation does not oblige the outgoing governments to fulfill their duties until the appointment of a new government.