
Ion Chicu in London: We want to promote our vision of high-performance agriculture


The automotive sector has proven to be a success story in the Republic of Moldova. The volume of exports and the number of jobs created doubles every year, reaching 15 thousand employees in 2018. The statement was made by Prime Minister Ion Chicu at the EBRD Investment Forum, dedicated to the Eastern Partnership states. The event was organized in London by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the EaP initiative.

The event brought together heads of states and governments from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, high-level representatives of the EU and the EIB, as well as international investors.

"It is very important not only to focus on traditional products, but to move to products with high added value, which use local raw materials as inputs, and ensure their export at an advanced technological level. We want to promote our clear vision of high-performance agriculture. You have to become the best at what you are already good", said Ion Chicu, quoted in a government press release.

At the Forum, the prime minister appreciated the important role of the EBRD in supporting the country's economic development, both through financing and consultancy projects aimed at attracting foreign direct investments and through dialogue with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova, which aims to promote reform.

EBRD is one of the main development partners of the Republic of Moldova, which invested a total of 1.29 billion euros through 128 projects.