
Ion Ceban to run in parliamentary elections on lists of PSRM


The leader of the Socialist group on the Chisinau Municipal Council Ion Ceban announced he will run in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019 on the lists of the Party of Socialists (PSRM). He said in the immediate period he will focus on election campaign activities, IPN reports.

“We will not have a vacation. We maximally concentrate on the election campaign. I will help my colleagues within possibilities in the preparations for the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019,” Ion Ceban told a news conference. He noted that the running in a single-member constituency implies more activities at the local level. Respectively, it is hard to later design the electoral platform and prepare for news conferences and other events. “I will 95% become involved in the election campaign as this is what matters now the most,” he stated.

The municipal councilor also spoke about the work of the Socialist group on the Municipal Council, saying they achieved concrete results based on the decisions drafted by the Socialists or with their support. He mentioned the rise in salaries for a number of categories of employees from the social sphere, including the bonus to the salary, compensation of travel expenses, support for the socially deprived families or families with low incomes, setting up of 110 new playgrounds and 70 sports grounds in yards of apartment buildings in the course of 2018.

“As to the sale of municipal land, I would like to note that dozens of attempts were blocked this year alone. We insisted and the holding of land tender contests were held. The tendering procedure goes on. I didn’t include in this report multiple notifications and measures taken to develop education and health infrastructure, the infrastructure of parks and green areas,” stated the Socialist heavyweight.

As regards the political component at the local level, Ion Ceban said the fact that they got rid of ex-mayor Dorin Chirtoacă was an important accomplishment as this, through his actions, destroyed the capital city during the past ten years. “We constantly disclosed the acts of corruption, illegalities, bureaucracy, protections, influence peddling and other negative phenomena that marked the administration of Dorin Chirtoacă. In 2018, we got rid of him and I’m sure that he will not return at least to the City Hall,” stated Ion Ceban.

He also spoke about the behavior of Andrei Năstase, who won the mayoral elections in Chisinau this year. According to him, Năstase promised to struggle for the interests of the inhabitants of Chisinau, but in the period did absolutely nothing and didn’t employee at least a jurist at his party or at the office that he is to return to the municipality. As to acting mayor Ruslan Codreanu, Ion Ceban said the PSRM does not recognize him and this was said not only once. “We are now in litigation over the interim post of mayor. It’s good that Mister Codreanu does not at least intervene in the activity of the CMC and the executive regularly reports how particular decisions are unimplemented. We can thus contribute to solving the problems of the capital city,” stated Ion Ceban.