
International Wine Organization supports Moldova, Russia and Georgia in settling down „wine crisis”


International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), based in Paris, propose to Moldova, Russia and Georgia its services regarding joining the control on wine production quality, according to international press reports. According to OIV Director General Federico Castellucci, the organization is ready to provide assistance in solving „wine conflict” by joining control methods of production quality according to international standards. He mentioned that he is concerned about the situation occurred in neighbor countries, especially that Russia is an important market for these countries. According to OIV data, on the eve of „wine crisis”, Moldova had one of the most spectacular dynamic increases of wine exports, which was ensured by Russian market. OIV is an intergovernmental organization; having as objectives protection of the interests of winning sector and creation of favorable conditions on the market, fight against swindles and non-loyal competition. OIV comprises 41 members, including Moldova, Russia, and Georgia.