
Inhabitants of Chisinau do not hurry to ask to be connected to heating system


Even if the municipal housing sector is fully ready for the heating season, the residents of Chisinau do not hurry to ask to be connected to the heating system. According to the head of the Public Amenities Division Petru Gontea, only 35 apartment buildings have been connected so far, IPN reports.

In the October 16 meeting of officials of Chisinau services and divisions, Petru Gontea said the people do not yet want to be supplied with heat as it is not so cold. Those who want to be connected to the heating system should make a request to the manager of the apartment building, who is to submit an application to the local head office of the heat supplier.

As to the repair of roofs, the Division’s head said 90% of the planned works have been carried out. These will be finished in the nearest future. Usually, the problem of state of roofs appears immediately after it rains.

As regards the cleanup works, Petru Gontea said intense work is done to collect the dry leaves. The local authorities call on the dwellers not to throw household waste in the heaps of leaves.