
Information about Venice Commission conclusions could be a leak, opinions


The information about the Venice Commission’s negative conclusions about the bill to switch over to the mixed-member electoral system in Moldova, broadcast by Reuters, could be a leak, but it’s not definite that the Commission’s experts completed the report. The issued was developed in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel, IPN reports.

Vlad Gribincea, director of the Legal Resources Center, said the information broadcast by Reuters can be verified. “The Venice Commission usually transmits a copy of the report to a number of institutions two-three weeks beforehand. It’s not excluded that such a report already exists and the probability of a leak is very high. But I don’t think that what Reuters published is the final variant,” he stated.  

Stefan Gligor, programs director at the Center for Structural Policies and Reforms, said the statements made by Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu for Reuters show the European integration process assumed by the Democratic Party is just simulated. “When the Speaker says it trenchantly that the Republic of Moldova will not comply with the recommendation of the Venice Commission, we understand that the European integration is out of the question,” he stated.

Veaceslav Berbeca, expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”, noted that what Reuters broadcast is a draft that will be yet modified, but it will definitely contain such sentences as “we express our concern”.

Analyst Roman Mihaes said the Venice Commission cannot reject the whole bill and most probably pronounced on particular provisions. Reuters actually published a leaked document that is yet to be finalized.

Asserting that it possesses a leaked document, Reuters on June 6 reported the experts of the Venice Commission concluded that the electoral system change in Moldova is “inappropriate“, invoking risks of political or business interests.