
Independence Parliament asks governments in Chisinau and Bucharest to adopt Union Act


The members of the public association “Independence Parliament” call on the governments in Chisinau and Bucharest to convene a joint meeting to adopt the Act of the Union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania – the supreme normative act of justice and, simultaneously, of the liquidation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact for the Romanian nation. In a Declaration-Appeal, the signatories and voters of the Declaration of Independence also call on the governments of the United States of America, Germany and France to make a fraternal contribution to the reunited Romanian Nation.

In a press conference hosted by IPN, the association’s chairman Alexandru Arseni, habilitated doctor of constitutional law, presented the Declaration-Appeal on national security and territorial integrity in connection with the internal and external sociopolitical situation. According to him, an appeal to adopt the act of reunification addressed to the governments in Chisinau and Bucharest was made previously too. The appeal was adopted on December 26, 2022, being signed by the 101 MPs who signed and voted the Declaration of Independence, but also undersigned by more than 50 outstanding personalities from the fields of science, culture, medicine, literature, etc. There were also appeals to expand and cover the territory of the Republic of Moldova with the broadcasts of the TV channel No. 1 Romania. Another appeal referred to the conclusion of the bilateral agreement to ensure military security.

“Unfortunately, the government in Chisinau not only did not respond to the appeals, but also did not take any concrete practical action to execute the will of the sovereign people to natural and legal reunification with the Motherland Romania, as well as to ensure national security and territorial integrity. Instead, the revanchist, occupation forces selected and identified educated persons and, respectively, with criminal financial support, terrorize the inhabitants of the southern, eastern districts and some of the northern cities, engaging them in illegal processes. Moreover, the alleged MPs of the “opposition”, contrary to the status of MP, further destabilize the internal sociopolitical situation,” said Alexandru Arseni, quoting the Declaration.

According to him, all these illegal actions are taken in the context of the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine. “On April 21 this year, these people cynically consolidated their actions in the capital of the “Empire of Evil”, Moscow. Thus, their position as spies of Moscow, with clear plans to subjugate again the people of the Republic of Moldova, a constituent element of the Romanian Nation, was demonstrated once again,” said the chairman of the association “Independence Parliament”.

In this connection, citing the Declaration-Appeal, the habilitated doctor called upon the governments in Chisinau and Bucharest to urgently convene a joint meeting to adopt the Act of Union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania. “In this natural way, the knife from the back of two nations - Romanian and Ukrainian - will be pulled out, thus ensuring the security of nations within the United Europe and the protection of NATO,” Alexandru Arseni also cited.

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