
Increased risk of administrative discretion generates corruption risks in CCCEC


The increased risk of administrative discretion generates corruption risks in the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime (CCCEC), considers Galina Bostan, the executive director of the Center for Analysis and Prevention of Corruption, a nongovernmental organization selected to monitor the implementation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Threshold Country Program in this institution, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the cited source, the adoption of the Law on the Civil Council for monitoring the activity of the Center must be hastened. The bill was worked out with the assistance of US experts. “The CCCEC’s personnel have a high analytical potential. According to a survey carried out by Transparency International, the population trusts this institution more than the Interior Ministry, the Customs Service and the Fiscal Service,” Galina Bostan said at a meeting on July 29. She said that the impact of the anticorruption policies will not be felt as long as the Center’s initiatives are not adequately supported technically and financially. The US expert Gregory Diamond stressed the necessity of strengthening the internal security division of the Center, of increasing responsibility towards the state and the community in general, of enhancing the independence of the Center. The Center implemented 13 out of the 38 planned measures. Another 20 measures were implemented partially, four are being carried out and only one has not been implemented, the Center’s vice director Andrei Ivancov said. Measures have been taken to decentralize the institution, improve the information exchange and optimize the cooperation between subdivisions. The US experts helped formulate a new employment policy for the Center and the Code of Conduct of the Center’s employees. The methodology of assessing corruption risks in public institutions was approved recently, Andrei Ivancov stated. The Threshold Country Program was approved in 2006. It includes measures aimed at strengthening the legal system with a view to preventing and combating corruption and the monitoring capacities of the civil society and the press, at combating corruption in healthcare, customs and fiscal administration, the police and at optimizing the activity of the CCCEC. The project financed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation costs 24.7 million dollars.