
Inclusion of children with disabilities helps other children become kinder, expert


The inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEN) in general education institutions educates the other children to be kinder, more tolerant and receptive towards others’ needs, according to the Public Association “Woman and Child – Protection and Support”. The NGO says these children need the teachers’ support in the inclusion process. The advantages and disadvantages of the inclusion of children with SEN will be discussed at the beginning of next week by the teachers of the “Boris Danga” Lyceum in Criuleni. Larisa Moscalencu, the association’s coordinator of advocacy programs, told Info-Prim Neo that the debates are meant to raise the teachers’ awareness regarding the inclusion of children with SEN in schools. “We want to see how open they are, if they accept such children in schools, if they need our further support”, said Larisa Moscalenco. Teachers who have experience in working with such children will attend the debate and share their experience. The association has been implementing since 2008 the project “Inclusion”, with the financial support of “The Swedish Organization for Individual Relief”- SOIR Moldova. It is meant to contribute the inclusion in society of people with special educational needs and ensure they fully make use of their rights. The children with SEN from the districts Criuleni and Dubasari, the villages Oxentea, Cocieri, Cosnita, Pohrebea, Hrusova, Cimiseni, Hartopul Mare, Hartopul Mic, Dubasarii Vechi, have been assisted and guided in their school inclusion by a network of specialized services, developed in previous project, which proved to last in time.