
Ina Coșeru: Afforestation is an extremely efficient measure in bringing back water


Moldova and other countries are witnessing the disappearance of water. Afforestation is an extremely efficient measure, if not the only one in the case of the Republic of Moldova, the head of the National Environmental Center Ina Coșeru stated in a news conference at IPN.

“We realize that we have few wooded areas and this leads to a loss of water resources in our country. But this instrument is recognized as an instrument for combating climate change,” she stated.

Ina Coșeru called on all the responsible bodies to come with very clear messages for the population as regards the measures that will be taken during the next few years to widen the forested areas.

In another development, Iuliana Cantaragiu, deputy head of the National Environmental Center, said that in the discussions between Moldova and Ukraine centering on the functioning of the Dniester Hydropower Complex, the negotiators from Moldova must insist that the complex should not have a negative impact on the Nistru by the volume of water and quality of water that is to be discharged.

Acceding to Iuliana Cantaragiu, the negotiators must have a very clear mandate and know to negotiate. The provisions of that agreement should stipulate the parameters at which the hydropower plant must work. If the parameters are not obeyed, the business entity should be held accountable in accordance not with the Administrative Code, but with the international agreement and should pay for the damage caused to the Nistru. The quality of the running water depends on the quality of the Nistru water.

The representatives of the National Environmental Center called on the population to report irregularities and violations of the environmental legislation on ecoalert.md.