
Immediately after installation, Maia Sandu will approve new composition of SSC


President-elect Maia Sandu said that immediately after her installation, she will approve a new composition of the Supreme Security Council (SSC) and will modify the working method of the institution. The most resonant cases will be discussed by the SSC the first, namely the billion theft, the Laundromat, concession of the airport or illegal financing of political parties in election campaigns, IPN reports.

According to Maia Sandu, corruption is a danger to national security and the fight against corruption and the justice sector reform are the most important things on her immediate agenda.

Besides a new composition of the SSC, Maia Sandu aims to design, at the level of the presidential administration, a new mechanism for examining the Superior Council of Magistracy’s proposal to promote judges to posts so that none of those who passed dubious, illegal judgments could be named or promoted. The same mechanism will be used in the case of other appointments for which the President is responsible. She will insist on the external assessment of prosecutor and judges and will submit a relevant bill to Parliament.

The President-elect noted that those who illegally financed parties and election campaigns should be penalized and she will formulate legislative proposals for amending the normative framework so as to make the punishments for these violations harsher. “The funding of campaigns with bags of money either from inside or outside the country should be penalized toughly,” stated Maia Sandu.