
“Imaginary” aspect of social inclusion of the Roma should be excluded, “Voice of the Roma”


The Roma community in the Republic of Moldova continues to face a series of problems. The policies aimed at improving the situation of the Roma are not addressed by the authorities or by the subdivision responsible for ethnic groups. On the other hand, in upper-level discussions, like within European commissions, Moldova’s delegations present nice reports on the situation of the Roma community, said representatives of the Coalition “Voice of the Roma”, which consists of 35 NGOs.

“They report that the Republic of Moldova has a plan for the Roma community, has particular documents, the Roma community is positive and has community mediators and the Roma community is much better than in other countries. Such information is circulated in the corridors of the EU Delegation, of the Council of Europe and institutions and also of the United States,” Marin Alla, executive director of the Coalition “Voice of the Roma”, said the in a news conference hosted by IPN.

According to him, these examples presented verbally, sometimes accompanied by rather positive reports, create that “imaginary” moment for the European community and the U.S. “The imaginary should disappear as, if it does not disappear, we will possibly not make this real jump in the whole country,” stated Marin Alla.

“Don’t bank on those imaginary moments presented by reports or by elements of the government power through governmental chains, including the Interethnic Relations Agency. This agency should be responsible and is the key element that should implement policies. Regrettably, the Interethnic Relations Agency mainly plays the imaginary game,” noted Marin Alla. According to him, this game should be stopped and the real problems should be addressed.

“In connection with the organization of the European Political Community Summit in the Republic of Moldova, can the European integration be fully assumed by the executive and legislative public institutions, ignoring the “imaginary” aspect of social inclusion? The Coalition “Voice of the Roma” holds this news conference ahead of the EPC Summit namely because the observance and protection of human rights are one of the main components of the European integration process. It also goes to the Roma community - a community with a complex vulnerability profile,” Ion Duminica, a member of the Coalition’s Secretariat.

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