
Image of Moldovan police still reprehensible


The Moldovan police continue to have a bad image and this is why its representatives are so harshly criticized. The issue was discussed in the program “Replica” on Prime TV channel. The program centered on a recent incident when a man from Chisinau municipality injured from a hunter’s gun four police officers and two employees of the local authorities, IPN reports.

Head of the Women’s Political Club Ecaterina Mardarovici, who is a member of the committee for supervising the reform at the Ministry of the Interior, considers that the police should concentrate their efforts on two directions: the work of local inspectors and programs to improve the image of the police and to restore the people’s trust in them. “If the local police inspector had discussed with this elderly man and his family, such a tragedy wouldn’t have happened,” she stated.

Former vice commissioner of Chisinau municipality Vladimir Kovali considers that they cannot speak about the reform of the police when the mentality of the police remains unchanged. He also made accusations against employees of the Centru district head’s office of Chisinau. “This man is a pensioner who didn’t have conflicts with his neighbors. That day the man turned 64 and waited for guests. Didn’t the employees of the district head’s office find another day to make him a ‘present’? Did they act correctly and humanly?” asked Colonel Kovali.

Marin Maxian, head of the Public Security Division of the General Police Inspectorate, said the local inspector initially managed to clam the elderly man, but when the latter saw that his car was being towed away, he took his gun and shoot it at the police officers. As to the improvement of the image of the police in society, Maxian believes that any reform requires time.

Last week, a pensioner fired his gun at six persons – police officers and public functionaries - who came to take away the concrete blocks that were illegally placed to limit access to a public area.

According to police statistics, 60 cases of attacks on the police have been recorded so far this year. Polls show that only slightly over 30% of Moldova’s population has confidence in the police.