
Ilya Trombitskyi: Independence came about unexpectedly to people of Moldova


Member of the first Parliament, Ilya Trombitsky, considers that the independence came about unexpectedly to the people of Moldova, "thanks" to the State Committee of the State of Emergency (GKCP).

"Russia has already declared independence on June 12, 1991, the USSR has ceased to exist, formally remaining a single country. Moldova declared sovereignty and the superiority of its laws over the laws of the Union on June 23, 1990”, Ilya Trombitsky commented on the internal and external context in which the independence was achieved.

According to the former MP, he was at an international scientific conference in Karelia at that time and because there was no internet, he was not aware of what was happening at home.

"Upon return, I had the impression that the authorities are not prepared for such a development of events and therefore did not immediately decide to declare independence. It was a feeling that they were pressured from the outside. No wonder Ukraine did this four days earlier”, says Ilya Trombitsky.

He believes that western partners may not have wanted exacerbation on a territory where thousands of nuclear warheads could have come under the control of unknown people. However, they quickly reevaluated the situation and supported the parade of sovereignty, hoping to solve issues later. "The responsibility to ensure a peaceful divorce fell upon us, the MPs. Moldova did not really succeed”.

Ilya Trombitsky is not sure if leaving the USSR is a blessing for the people of Moldova. "Today, it is difficult to get a clear answer from Moldova's citizens, because people's lives have developed in different ways. Most of them hardly survived the 1990s, due to a ruined economy and the poor management of the country” says the member of the first Parliament.

He considers that these factors are still decisive because Moldova has long held the position of the poorest country in Europe. According to the former MP, "is undoubtedly the "merit" of the political elite, which is characterized by incredible corruption, incompetence and collective irresponsibility".

On a personal level, Ilya Trombitsky, considers that the Independence has offered him more freedom and opportunities for creativity. At the opening of the first Parliament, he decided to observe what happens through the prism of a biologist, as if looking through a microscope at the movement of bacteria. "By doing so, you take decisions in good faith. That's what guided my voting during the activity of three parliaments. Otherwise, my health would have been affected", said Ilya Trombitsky, the former MP.


On August 27, 1991, 28 years ago, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Independence, a document signed by 278 deputies. The yearly celebration of this founding act is marked as Independence Day. The original Declaration burned during the 2009 protests in Chisinau, but was recreated in 2010.