
Ilian Cașu: Government entrusts tasks to mayors, but does not offer instruments


“The Our Party is represented only at the local level and we control nine towns and from the viewpoint of my colleagues-mayors, it is an enormous burden when the Center only entrusts tasks, but does not provide instruments. But the people expect problems to be solved despite the rather difficult times,” the party’s vice president Ilian Cașu said in a public debate entitled “Political colors of international assistance in times of pandemic” that was held by IPN News Agency.

Ilian Cașu stated that the party of which he forms party thanked all the donors, regardless of the origin of the humanitarian aid, but the big problem resides in the fact that this support is intermediated by politicians.

“Evidently, our party thanked all those who provide international assistance, humanitarian aid in hard times, when it is necessary. The political problem of the Republic of Moldova, and now we speak about the Dodon-Diacov-Chicu regime, is that this regime intermediates the assistance between donors and the people. We are convinced that all the donors, those who help, want this assistance to fully reach the citizens, those who fight COVID-19. And this role of intermediary, with the bandit-like approaches of the regime, creates political controversies,” he stated.

According to the vice president of the Our Party, if the regime, the central Government is corrupt, there is no rule of law and institutions that would intervene and would eliminate these elements of corruption and the citizens are not the main beneficiaries, even if everyone wants this. “If we look at the period of the pandemic, we notice this shock among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova as they see that assistance comes to the country, donations are made to it, but the hospitals, primarily the strategic ones, lack basic necessities. The citizens thus wonder: where do the consumables go, where does the money go? And such questions are absolutely normal,” noted the politician.

He also said that the problem resides not in the origin of this assistance, but in the fraudulent and non-transparent way in which this money is distributed.

“Ordinary people, business entities and foreign partners mainly provided assistance during the pandemic rather than the local authorities. Knowing their stratagems, this political friendship between Dodon and the PDM, we can say that they are already experts in stealing. This is the perception of the ordinary citizens,” said Ilian Cașu.

The ruling parliamentary parties that are directly responsible for managing the situation in the field of international assistance didn’t accept the invitation to IPN’s debate, while the representatives of the opposition parliamentary parties that also have particular involvement in this issue weren’t invited so as not to distort the balanced character of IPN’s debates.

The debate “Political colors of international assistance in times of pandemic” was the 133rd edition of the series of debates “Developing political culture through public debates” that are supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.