
Igor Dodon proposes solutions for promoting cultural heritage


The PCRM's candidate for mayor of Chisinau Igor Dodon has made public his electoral offer aimed at maintaining and restoring the cultural and architectural facilities of the municipality. There will be created an electronic register of architectural monuments and instituted the municipal prize “For important contributions to developing culture”. The offer was presented near the Museum House “Alexandr Pushkin”, Info-Prim Neo reports. “I would like to make several important remarks. We do not divide the people of culture according to political criteria because they represent a value for Chisinau. Our cultural and architectural heritage in the historical center of Chisinau is destroyed. A building is erected near the Museum House “Alexandr Pushkin”, which will affect it and we will not be able to keep it,” said Igor Dodon. He called on all the parties not to involve people of culture in politics and the election campaign. Elena Danu, a PCRM candidate for Chisinau councilor, said the artistic activities and groups will be supported, while the theatrical institutions in the municipality will be rehabilitated. The number of students in schools of art will be increased yearly by minimum 5%, including by providing more money to them. Another candidate of the PCRM, Vasili Castravet said there will be launched the program “Chisinau – attractive tourist destination”, which is designed to increase the attractiveness of Chisinau. There will be created tourist information offices that will promote the sights of Chisinau. Petru Dontu, another candidate for councilor, said the theater houses in the municipality will be restored, including by attracting private investments. Cultural, artistic and sports events will be staged in the squares of Chisinau on weekends. There will be provided financial assistance for holding international music, theater and literature festivals. Igor Dodon is under No. 6 in the ballot for the mayoral elections. In the ballot for the election of Chisinau councilors, the PCRM is the first.