
Igor Dodon: new attraction pole emerges within left electoral wing


A new attraction pole is being formed within the left electoral wing. The merger of several unaffiliated MPs, from the groups of Igor Dodon and Vadim Misin, into one Parliamentary group is a first step in the emergence of this pole. A statement in this sense was made by MP Igor Dodon, president of the Socialist Party (PSRM), during the “Fabrica” show on PublikaTV, reports Info-Prim Neo. “Our goal is to create an alternative to the Party of Communists and to the governing group. A step in that direction has been made. Political maturity allowed us to strengthen our powers. We previously mentioned that aim at the election of an unaffiliated President, to stop Mihai Ghimpu from becoming the Parliament's Speake, as well as to reform the European Integration Alliance (AIE), i.e. the Government. Now we are closed to its reformation”, stated Igor Dodon. The PSRM president says that people don't have faith in the Communists anymore. “I perfectly know what is going on in that Party, they go around districts, try to take people out on the streets of Chisinau, but no one follows them anymore, they don't trust them anymore. I was expected wiser statements from Mr. Vladimir Voronin”, communicated the Socialists' leader. Political analyst Anatol Taranu, also an invitee at the show, claims that AIE's reformation is practically impossible, unless someone from within the alliance wants to commit political suicide. “When Mr. Dodon says that he wants to reform the alliance it is one thing, but from a realistic perspective it is impossible. Any reformation would imply a complicated issue. Either the Dodon-Misin group drop their intention to join the Customs Union, or the Alliance drops the European Union goal”, specified Anatol Taranu. Political analyst Valentin Dolganiuc stated, during the same show, that the emergence of the new group in the Parliament was a chess-like move on the board of Moldovan politics. “This move can generate many other moves within political forces. You stated that you want to reform the AIE and stripe the unionists of their power, which is a dangerous message; you risk antagonizing the society. I don't believe that the PSRM will get involved in actual governing; it would be a suicidal step for the Party”, stated Valentin Dolganciuc. MP Vadim Misin, “Rebirth” Party leader, stated in a phone call to the show that the Communists will dumped by those who will understand that the Party does not follow the established political doctrine anymore. Meanwhile, Vadim Misin says that he was the one betrayed by the Party, not vice-verse. Additionally, the MP stated that he will support Viorel Chetraru's candidacy to the chair of the National Anticorruption Center – this candidacy displeases the Liberals. A new Parliamentary group was formed on Friday, October 12, i.e. the unaffiliated MPs' group. It is comprised of 7 MPs who left the PCRM sometime this year. Communists and Liberals claim that this group is illegal, specifically referring to the fact that the members of this group were not elected as an individual group, but they reached the Parliament while enlisted in another Party.