
Igor Dodon is Russia’s agent who resorts to electoral tricks, opinions


The chairman of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon resorted to an electoral trick when he announced that he agreed with the Russian authorities to ‘forgive’ the Moldovans who violated Russia’s legislation on migration, considers Victor Juc, the deputy head of the Institute for Legal and Political Research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The director of the Institute for Political Analysis and Consultancy “Politicon” Anatol Taranu believes that by this decision Russia showed that Igor Dodon is its agent.

Victor Juc has told IPN that the announcement made by Igor Dodon, saying the Russian authorities decided to annul the migration violations committed by the Moldovan migrants in Russia, is an electoral trick. “Something like this is impossible as, if the law was broken, the violations cannot be forgiven so that they start everything from zero. This is against all the legal principles. I don’t think that those from Russia will accept something like this, even if they say it verbally now. It is a bait that will ultimately affect the credulous ones,” stated Victor Juc.

Anatol Taranu stated for IPN that such a decision shows that Russia interferes in the internal affairs of Moldova. “Russia violates its own legislation in order to facilitate the coming to power of the PSRM led by Igor Dodon, as they presume that the Moldovan migrants from Russia will vote namely for this party,” he said. He added that Igor Dodon could even organize the Moldovans’ return home with his own money or money provided by Russia so that they vote the Socialists. “This confirms that Russia wants to directly influence the election campaign and admits thus that Dodon is its agent of influence.”

On November 5, the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) announced that at the party’s request, the Federal Migration Service of Russia took a historical decision by which the Moldovan migrants who violated the legislation on migration will be allowed to return to Moldova in the period between November 5 and 30. Afterward, they will be able to return freely to Russia in order to work. All their previous penalties will be annulled. The PSRM said that it made such a request to the Russian authorities also because the Government of Moldova decided to establish only five polling places in Russia for the November 30 parliamentary elections.