
Igor Dodon believes motion of no confidence will not be carried


President Igor Dodon said the fate of the motion of no confidence that was proposed by the PPPDA will be similar to the simple motion submitted against Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Viorica Dumbrăveanu, which is it will not get the necessary number of votes and will fail next week, when it is to be debated in Parliament.

If the Government is dismissed, it will act as an interim one until next year’s snap parliamentary elections. The attempt to remove the Government is aimed at destabilizing the situation in Moldova. “This is done by the Sandu-Plaha-Candu-Shor chaos alliance. During the last few weeks, we saw that this unofficial alliance has become more evident. The current developments in Parliament have nothing do to with people’s interests,” IPN quoted Igor Dodon as saying in the program “President Responds”.

According to him, the Chicu Government, even if it committed mistakes, has coped. The salaries and pensions are paid on time. The pensioners will get by 700 lei in assistance. The salaries of healthcare workers will be raised. The roads are repaired and built, while the famers will receive support.

The motion of no confidence against the Chicu Government was proposed by the MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”, being also signed by the MPs of the Party of Action and Solidarity. The MPs of the Pro Moldova group said they will vote in favor of the motion. To be adopted, the motion needs to be voted by at least 51 MPs.