
Igor Botan: We want to create common front with the message “Let’s prevent government from robbing us”


Political analyst Igor Botan, who is a member of the initiative group that staged a large-scale protest in central Chisinau on May 3, wants a common front or a federation of organizations to be created, which would disseminate the message “Let’s prevent the government from robbing us”. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, quoted by IPN, the analyst said those who bear responsibility for these thefts surely do not want all the committed illegalities to be revealed.

Igor Botan noted that it is absolutely normal and constitutional for the people to exert pressure on the government when things go bad, and things now are very bad. “We saw that the banking system is going to rack and ruin, while the insurance system is on the verge of collapse. These are evident things that cannot be overlooked,” he stated. The analyst recommended the rulers to examine the opinion poll results and see that replacing the government is the answer given by most of the respondents to the question “What should be done to improve the situation in Moldova?”

Igor Botan transmitted also a message to two parties. “I would recommend the members of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party to convoke extraordinary congresses to discuss the situation in Moldova and the role of the parties that ruled during the last six years and of the leaders of these parties and to probably reach the conclusion that they didn’t cope and should eventually choose new leaders and save the situation and should take a decision about the activity of the current leaders,” he said.

As to those who compare the protest mounted in Chisinau with the Maidan in Kiev, Igor Botan said those who make such statements should bear responsibility for what they say. He noted that an initiative group gathers together the people to make the authorities hear them that they do not want to be robbed. “Our call to the people is to unite as everyone will be affected by the thefts committed in the banking system. The development of our country will be blocked for many years on and we will have to pay for the thefts committed by the rulers during many years. It is about no Maidan here,” he stated.

On May 3, more than 40,000 people came together in the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau to protest against the corrupt government, the large thefts and the transformation of the stolen money into state debt and against the politically controlled media. The protest was organized by the civic platform “Dignity and Truth”.