
Igor Boțan: Temperature of the Kremlin's propaganda will rise


The Kremlin's propaganda will intensify as the parliamentary elections approach, expert Igor Boţan stated in a public debate on the energy crisis in the Transnistrian region organized by IPN News Agency. According to him, the Kremlin aims to increase the participation of citizens of the Transnistrian region in the autumn elections, thus influencing the election outcome.

Igor Boţan considers Russian propaganda in the Republic of Moldova will be stepped up as the parliamentary elections approach. According to him, the intensification of Russian propaganda aims to destabilize the political situation in the Republic of Moldova and influence the electorate.

"Taking into account the fact that parliamentary elections will be held in autumn, Chisinau must pursue a very prudent policy so that the situation does not get out of control. The temperature of the propaganda that the Kremlin promotes will rise because the elections are the main stake. Russia's stake is for the citizens from the left bank of the Nistru to actively participate in the elections so that the results are influenced. The people, under the pressure of the energy crisis, can show a high degree of activism in the elections," said the permanent expert of IPN’s project.

Igor Boțan stressed that Russia, by triggering the energy crisis in the Transnistrian region, aimed to aggravate the economic and social situation on the right bank of the Nistru.

"In addition, they want to worsen the situation on the right bank of the Nistru. So far, this strategy has not worked, but it could yet work in the near future. The European Union offered this grant for a period of 10 days. We will see what will happen after these 10 days," said Igor Boţan.

The expert explained that Russia uses the frozen conflicts in the former Soviet republics, such as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, to keep these countries in its sphere of influence and hinder their development.

"Russia maintains separatism by all possible ways. This is seen in the Republic of Moldova, in Georgia. These instruments are meant to help Russia keep the post-Soviet states in its sphere of influence. The entire Russian propaganda openly announces that Russia's goal is to reach Odessa and gain control over the Black Sea coast, and then to come to the Transnistrian region and Gagauzia to "liberate the Transnistrian and Gagauz people from the yoke of Moldova," as Russian sources openly state,” said expert Igor Boţan.