In the past 15 years, the number of citizens of the Republic of Moldova who support the Union with Romania has increased threefold, expert Igor Boţan stated in a public debate hosted by IPN News Agency. According to the expert, this evolution reflects a significant change in the public's perception of the relations between the two states.
Igor Boţan noted that education is an important factor in this change. In the schools of the Republic of Moldova, the History of Romanians is studied and this contributes to the consolidation of a common identity. Also, about a third of the Moldovan citizens hold Romanian citizenship as well and this allows them to take better economic and social opportunities in the European Union.
"The History of Romanians is studied in schools, this being extremely important. If we look at the developments from a sociological point of view, we notice that in the past 15 years the number of citizens who want the Union with Romania has increased more than three times - from 10% to 35% or even almost 40%. A third of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova hold Romanian citizenship," said the permanent expert of IPN’s project.
Igor Boţan stressed that, in the current context, any evolutionary processes between the Republic of Moldova and Romania must take place based on the respect for the rule of law and international treaties.
"At the same time, we understand that we live in the era of the rule of law and all problems must be solved through the angle of the rule of law, international treaties and the Helsinki process," said the expert.
He explained that citizens' opinions about the Union of Bessarabia with Romania are influenced both by the explanations offered by historians and by the arguments provided by politicians and political parties.
"It is the role of political parties, intellectuals to keep historical events in the public's attention so that the people understand that the historical process is a living one. The future aspirations of citizens depend not only on the contribution of historians, but also on the contribution of political parties that must offer development prospects for our country. It is natural for people to live in the community that is most conducive to their economic, social, cultural development. The process is ongoing," concluded Igor Boţan.
The public debate entitled "The Union of 1918: why was it necessary, why was it possible?" was the 45th installment of the series "Impact of the past on confidence-building and peace-building processes". The project is supported by the German “Hanns Seidel” Foundation.