
Igor Botan: I think they now negotiate as earlier, with secret protocols


The current negotiations on the formation of a governing coalition are held as earlier, with secret protocols and by promoting group interests, considers the permanent expert of IPN’s project Igor Botan, who is the executive director of the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT). He considers that if the discussions had been honest, the leaders wouldn’t have hidden from the press and society. He stated such opinions in the public debate “Why politicians again need time to form a majority coalition and what people in Moldova risk in such conditions?” held by IPN together with Radio Moldova.

Igor Botan said that several German experts came to Chisinau in 2009 to help the parliamentary parties form a governing coalition, but these were suggested that their presence at those talks wasn’t wanted. “In Moldova they decided that it is better to hold the talks in secret, even if the politicians said the negotiations will be open and transparent,” he stated.

Referring to the Party of Communists’ call to the parliamentary parties to hold negotiations all together, Igor Botan said the party wasn’t very explicit. “I would have welcomed their proposal if they had said they wanted reforms to take place and wanted to discuss key issues, including the depolarization of the regulatory and law enforcement institutions,” he said.

The expert does not see how the political leaders could form an alliance that would be better than the previous ones. “The trust was destroyed. I can make an effort and say that we will still wait, but we see what is going on. The young people prepare to leave the country or look for other solutions, such as the annihilation of the state Moldova by the union with Romania and it is their right. My expectations are negative about the future alliance. A leopard cannot change its spots,” he stated.

The debate “Why politicians again need time to form a majority coalition and what people in Moldova risk in such conditions?” is the 40th installment of the series “Developing political culture by public debates”, staged by IPN News Agency with the support of the German Foundation Hanns Seidel.