
IDIS “Viitorul” launches “Gas Industry in Moldova” Study


If the present tariff for natural gas is maintained, by the end of the year, about USD 60 mln will be added to the invoices, the study “Gas industry in Moldova” shows. It was presented by the experts of IDIS “Viitorul” on May 30. Expert Veaceslav Ionita told a news conference that the study is directly referring to the issue of national and economic security of Moldova. “We found that at present Moldova premeditatedly ignores the industry of natural gas, which means annual incomes of MDL 5 bln, meaning that it is in fact the most important field of the national economy. The real value of the assets in the natural gas industry exceeds at present the value of all the wine companies (170), a field considered of national importance”, Ionita specified. According to him, the conclusions of the state prove that Moldova lost control of the field. The illegal and abusive decisions and the lack of competence of several irresponsible civil servants have caused losses of USD 1.5 bln to Moldova. “These damages exceed the total amount of all foreign investments made in Moldova since 1991. The losses were created due to the fact that several assets were sold at prices which are 9-fold lower than the real one, artificially created debts, economically unjustified tariffs and subsidising of the consumers from Transnistria, blind polices on profit distribution, as well as the unilateral payment of debts”, the expert mentioned. The study presents several recommendations for the decision-making authorities. It is about a trustful and transparent activity, automating and counting the supplies of natural gas on the territory of Moldova, as well as the transit of natural gas to the third parties. “The economic investigation aims at making this subject public. We hope that the public authorities, the academic community and independent researchers will contribute to finding a solution for these problems, in order to protect the consumers and the citizens loyal to the state which is called the Republic of Moldova”, Ionia ended.