
ICT Days open in Chisinau on May 13


The Information and Communication Technology Days are staged in Chisinau between May 13 and May 23. They will include a range of activities in different areas and formats designed to increase awareness of the benefits of the modern information society, development of IT industry and professional education in the field, IPN reports.

According to the ICT Ministry, the event starts with a governmental meeting that will focus on the further development of the IT sector in Moldova.

The organizers said there will be presented the plan of action for enhancing competitiveness of the IT industry. It was worked out by the ICT Ministry with the assistance of the development partners and international consultants. This set of measures is aimed at creating a favorable environment for developing the IT industry.

Moldova ICT Summit 2014 is the most important event of those planned, which will take place in Chisinau on May 13-15. The international conference will center on the development of competitiveness of the ICT sector, encouragement of innovation and promotion of ICT as a driving force of economic growth. This year’s summit will be a special one, mainly owing to the themes and subjects related to the development of IT industry that will be discussed.

The fifth summit of the kind will be attended by the Prime Minister and members of the Government, heads of governmental agencies, ambassadors, representatives of the development partners, top managers of ICT companies from the country and abroad, representatives of the academic community and of civil society.

Moldova ICT Summit 2014 is organized by the ICT Ministry, the National Association of Private ICT Companies and USAID CEED II Project in partnership with governmental agencies and private companies.