
ICJ criticizes Parliament decision to introduce phrase “Romanian language” in Constitution


Representatives of the Institute of Constitutional Justice (ICJ) consider the adoption of the draft organic law by which the phrase “Moldovan language” was replaced with “Romanian language” across the national legislation, including the Constitution, represents defiance of the supreme law of the Republic of Moldova. Members of the public association, among who are former judges of the Constitutional Court, described the given vote in Parliament as a threat to the constitutional regime of rule of law in the Republic of Moldova. They call on the central administration to work in strict compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, ICJ chairman Victor Pușcaș, ex-president of the Constitutional Court, said that no decision by any of the state institutions can go against the Constitution. Parliament can review the country’s Constitution in accordance with the procedures that are clearly defined in the Constitution. On March 2, by adopting that bill, the legislative body deviated from the constitutional norm.

“Parliament reached the conclusion that it can make the given amendments across the legislation by a technical move. The bill empowers the Legal Information Resources Agency to ensure the changes are introduced in all the normative documents. In the legal community of the Republic of Moldova, there are several jurists who consider that a simple method was found to bypass the referendum and without securing the 67 votes or two thirds of the votes needed to make amendments to the Constitution. But the largest part of the legal community of the Republic of Moldova is categorically against this method of amending the Constitution,” stated Victor Pușcaș.

According to him, these violations derive from the CC decision of December 5, 2013, when it was admitted that the preamble of the Declaration of Independence runs counter to the normative content of the Constitution. Namely the Court created the constitutional blockage, replacing the Constitution’s preamble with the Declaration of Independence, which is something abnormal.

ICJ member Pavel Midrigan said that during 30 years Moldovan society has been in tumult. The governments make promises and leave, but a series of problems remain unsolved. “We didn’t come to criticize the government. We came to urge the citizens as the subsequent course of the Republic of Moldova depends on the civic vote and position of the citizens,” stated Pavel Midrigan.

According to him, Parliament is a representative body and cooperation should exist between the parliamentary majority and the opposition. There should be constructive discussions so as to provide good solutions. Things in the country should be brought in order, the law should rule and everyone should obey the law, starting from the President and ending with ordinary functionaries.

Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.