
Icicles pose a threat in Chisinau


Icicles that are even one meter long appeared on some of the buildings in Chisinau, especially on those that do not have drainage systems for water from roofs. A falling icicle can cause serious injuries to a person, including fatal ones.

Head of the Public Amenities Division of Chisinau Petru Gontea has told IPN that when the weather grows warmer, the danger that icicles will fall increases. The law obliges owners or managers of buildings to remove the icicles. In the case of apartment buildings, this is the duty of block managers. If they do not do it, they face fines. They should also remove the snow from roofs so as to avoid the appearance of icicles.

When there is a danger that icicles will fall, the managers should fence the area and place warnings for the passerby to avoid those areas and not endanger their lives.

Last night, 34 vehicles of the Public Amenities Division spread about 15 cubic meters of salt and sprayed two tonnes of antiskid liquid at entrances to yards of apartment buildings. Employees of municipal housing services enterprises have cleaned the public transport stations.

In case of difficulties related to the meteorological conditions, the citizens can call the Central Municipal Dispatcher’s Office on (022) 22-22-67 and (022) 22-26-04.