ICC willing to take public functions
The Industry and Commerce Chamber (ICC) expresses its availability for taking several public functions, if appointed, reports Info-Prim Neo, quoting ICC president Gheorghe Cucu. During his speech at the 3rd ICC Congress Cucu mentioned that such a practice is common in several countries. Thus, the ICC might elaborate and present reports on certain economic and social issues, which are examined by the Government or Ministries.
According to Gheorghe Cucu, an objective opinion, from the outside, would allow the identification of correct solutions to certain problems. Additionally, the ICC has the capacity to become an important factor in the certification of the labor force. This process must be taken out of education institutions, and a council should be formed, gathering representatives of the employers’ associations and education institutions’ unions. In this case, the ICC would act as binder and organizer of the mechanism. The job of organizing job fairs, currently under the responsibility of the Labor Force Office, might also be transferred to the ICC.
“There are other opportunities too. Many countries practice the legalization of international commerce contracts. It serves as a filter at the signing in law-violating agreements, and is not harm, but more of a protection of their rights. After this database is elaborated, it could be accessed online by public bodies”, specified Gheorghe Cucu.
The ICC announces that it is eager to collaborate with the Trade Registry. “We gave several signals that we would like to elaborate it, since there is a lack of information that is veridical, comprehensive and accessible to our country’s businesses. When potential investors request information on one company or another, we have nothing to offer them. There is the State Registry, but the State Registration Chamber only gives information on the registration of a company, not the data the investors ask for”, explained ICC president Gheorghe Cucu.