
I want to know ABOUT ELECTIONS: Voting at place of stay


The electors who want to vote at another polling place than the one where they were assigned according to the place of residence or domicile must submit an application to declare the new place of stay.

Such declarations are presented to the local public authorities of the community where the person wants to vote.

The declarations are submitted in person, by presenting the identity card in the original or a copy, by September 29 inclusive. In case of mayor’s offices, the person must go to the registrar. The district head’s offices will designate responsible persons. The applications can be filed based on the ordinary program, between 8am and 5pm.

Those who change the polling place are struck off the main register of voters at the domicile. This is done for the period of the presidential elections of this year only. Afterward, the person is included again in the register.

The declarations submitted in the previous elections are no longer valid.

If they do not manage to declare the new place of stay by September 29, the voters can go to the electoral office of the polling place within the area of the valid domicile or residence and can take a certificate enabling them to vote at any other polling place. This can be done between October 10 and 29. Using the voting certificate, on the election day the people put their names on the additional lists, while the certificate remains at the electoral office of the polling place and is annexed to the additional list.

In order to find out the address and number of the polling place where they are registered, the voters can access the website of the Central Election Commission www.cec.md in the division “Check your name in the SRV” (State Register of Voters).

The IPN series “I want to know ABOUT ELECTIONS” is designed to explain notions, terms and practices related to the presidential election process.