
Hotline for informing population about wood stores set up


The authorities today launch a hotline to inform the population about the available firewood stores. The citizens can use the hotline to inform the authorities about illegal tree felling or irregularities in the wood distribution process. The number of the hotline is 080010101, Minister of Environment Iuliana Cantaragiu informed in the Cabinet meeting.

The minister said firewood will be provided in the same way as the previous years. The website lemne.md is being designed. Until it becomes available, information about the stores can be seen on the website of the state forestry agency “Moldsilva”.

Prime Minister Natala Gavrilița asked that the platform lemne.md should become active on September 15 at the latest. “I do not understand why we are waiting up to the moment until it becomes too late. All things should be done on time as the relevant information is useful in this period,” stated the official.

The decision to release firewood to the population for winter was approved by the National Commission for Exceptional Situations. The prices remained at last year’s level: 550-875 lei per stere for hardwood (oak tree and acacia) and 350-475 lei per stere of softwood. The initial limit on the sale of firewood to domestic households was extended from 3 to 5 steres.