
Heavy fines for those who will wear black-and-orange ribbon on May 9


The persons who will wear the bicolor black-and-orange ribbon known as the Ribbon of Saint George during the public events and demonstration’s on May 9 will be fined, the head of the General Police Inspectorate Viorel Cernăuțeanu announced in a news conference.

“This ribbon is the symbol of the Russian Federation’s ongoing military aggression against Ukraine. If the bicolor ribbon is not the element of an award or medal, it is banned, as are the symbols “Z” and “V” that were recognized as symbols of military aggression. The making, use and wearing of these symbols remain prohibited, as last year,” stated Cernăuțeanu.

According to him, based on the recommendations of the Venice Commission, the Moldovan authorities can argue that the symbols used by the Russian armed forces in the ongoing war pose a real and imminent danger to national security. “There is an unambiguous conclusion of the Venice Commission - this ribbon is a symbol of military aggression,” said Viorel Cernăuțeanu.

Those who will not comply will be fined heavily, in accordance with the Contravention Code. “The fines vary from 4,500 to 9,000 lei for private individual and from 18,000 to 30,000 lei for legal entities,” noted the chief of the General Police Inspectorate.