
“Heart of Moldova” Party launches "Truth about PAS" campaign


The “Heart of Moldova” Party led by Irina Vlah has launched the "Truth about PAS" campaign. The party's representatives aim to periodically provide the public with information about what happened in each important field of activity under the current government, what the Party of Action and Solidarity promised four years ago and what it has achieved.

In a news briefing hosted by IPN, Irina Vlah said that this campaign is aimed at diminishing the massive manipulation planned by the PAS and at ensuring that the citizens are correctly informed.

"In parallel, we will present concrete solutions to overcome the problems caused by the PAS. This will be the first stage of our "Truth about PAS" campaign," noted the politician.

At the second stage, members and sympathizers of the party will go through villages and towns. "It is very important for the citizens to have a detailed and also an integral picture of what those "good times" promised by the PAS mean in reality," said the party’s leader.

"The importance of the campaign we are launching today is enormous – the Republic of Moldova has a future and can develop only if it gets rid of the PAS. For the purpose, the people must be correctly informed about the essence of the rule of this toxic party.”

Irina Vlah also said that the people need to know all the real things so that they can make a conscious choice in this year's parliamentary elections.

Note: IPN Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider that they were targeted in the news articles produced based on the statements of the organizers of this press conference, including by facilitating the organization of another press conference under similar conditions.