
Heads of diplomatic and consular missions of Moldova meet with a series of state officials


During July 24-27, in Chisinau it is organized the Reunion of the Heads of Diplomatic and Consular Missions to Moldova. The program of the reunion includes a series of activities and meetings of the Moldovan diplomats. According to MFAIE, the reunion was opened on Monday, July 24 by the deputy prime-minister Andrei Stratan, also the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. In his speech, the head of the Moldovan diplomacy presented as priorities of the foreign affairs of Moldova the European Integration and territorial integrity of the country. Stratan estimated the success of diplomatic missions’ successes in light of implementing these priorities, emphasizing aspects of bilateral collaboration and the contribution of the diplomatic missions in strengthening the political dialogue with the regional and international organizations. According to Stratan, “this reunion, to a great extent, has a symbolical character”, taking into consideration the 15th anniversary of Moldova’s independence. Methods of intensifying the diplomatic measures for regional cooperation, integration in the European structures and creating a positive image to the Republic of Moldova abroad were examined at the reunion. On the same day, the heads of diplomatic missions met with Vasile Sova, the minister of Reintegration. The discussions tackled the Transnistrian conflict and the ways of involving diplomatic missions in the settlement process. The heads of diplomatic missions met, at the round table with the leaders of the ministries, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as with businessmen. Economic and humanitarian aspects of the Moldovan diplomacy, possibilities of attracting foreign investments into the national economy and other issues were discussed at the meeting. On the second day of the reunion, the heads of diplomatic missions met with Ion Ursu, the head of the Intelligence Service, Sergiu Golovaci, the deputy minister of Internal Affairs, Olga Goncearova, Director General of the Interethnic Affairs Bureau and discussed about protecting the interests of the state and of the citizens staying abroad, migration and trafficking in human beings. Proposals on making more efficient the activity of the diplomatic missions in light of supporting the Moldovan Diaspora were made. On the same day the heads of diplomatic missions discussed with Maria Postoico, deputy speaker of the Parliament. Subjects on adjusting the national legislation in line with European standards, strengthening the collaboration between the parliamentary factions and diplomatic missions were tackled. At the meeting with prime-minister Vasile Tarlev, the necessity of strengthening the co-operation of ministries in implementing the programs and strategies of the Government, including the Action Plan Moldova-EU was emphasized. On Wednesday, July 26, the heads of diplomatic missions meet with the president Vladimir Voronin. In the second half of the day they will meet with the heads of the News Agencies and afterwards will visit the Science Academy of Moldova. The Reunion will end on Thursday, July 27, with a visit to Ungheni district. The last similar Reunion took place in the summer of 2004.