
Head of State threatens? IPN Experts


President Igor Dodon informed the public opinion about his participation in a meeting of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) as an invitee, but also as the unofficial leader of this party. In this connection, he noted that today, September 5, the PSRM starts an active pre-election campaign aimed at preparing for the legislative elections. Also, Igor Dododn reiterated that he does not rule out possibility of running for MP on the Socialist ticket as the legislation allows for this. His goal is to help the PSRM, but he will continue to hold the office of President.

Several things should be said here. The first thing that deserves to be noted is the President’s sincerity. He says it openly that he wants to help the party whose informal leader he is. As they say – Many thanks! The second thing that should be mentioned is that Mister Dodon actually threatens us, and not for the first time, with defiance of the constitutional norms and this is serious. It is serious because no one else than the secretary general of the PSRM Vlad Batrîncea in 2017 went to the Constitutional Court (CC) and asked to determine the constitutionality of Article 123(2) of the Election Code: until the validation of the election, the chosen candidate for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova presents the confirmation of the fact that he is not the member of a political party and does not hold another public or private post to the Constitutional Court. The secretary general of the PSRM considered this legal provisions infringes on the President’s right to be a party member.

By all appearances, the CC Judgement No. 35 of December 12, 2017 was unexpected for the secretary general of the PSRM. He probably decided not to inform the Head of State about this judgement. He possibly informed him, but not fully as the CC not only confirmed the constitutionality of Article 123(2) of the Election Code, but also developed further the bans on the involvement in party activity imposed on the President: a) The President of the Republic of Moldova cannot be the member of a political party and cannot promote the interests of a political party in any way; b) the Present plays the role of an arbitrator or a neutral power, being detached from political parties.

So, the CC clearly argued its viewpoint. The Head of State should know about this decision that refers to him directly. That’s why, if he knows this, but continues to insist on his participation in an eminently political activity  - to help the PSRM, but will continue to hold the office of President – the conclusion is that he deliberately flouts the constitutional norms. Evidently, the Head of State cannot be on the list of candidates of the PSRM in the upcoming parliamentary elections without promoting this party’s interests and without being connected to it. It should also be noted that the Head of State should be no way present at the PSRM’s protests scheduled for this autumn.

IPN Experts