
Head of state about BEM, concession of airport and country’s security


President Nicolae Titofti said conceding the Chisinau International Airport was a big mistake. He developed this and other issues in the program “Moldova life” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.  

“I think another method should have been used. Such a facility must be under state ownership.  I stated my position on the issue for many times, but could do nothing. I do not have the instruments and mechanisms needed to influence such decisions. It is the Government’s task to manage the state property and the head of state cannot intervene,” said the President.

Speaking about Banca de Economii, Nicolae Timofti said he has confidence in the parliamentary commission empowered to elucidate this case. “I hope the commission will objectively analyze the situation and will give a clear answer. But we must be more attentive and not condemn the people without evidence. The fight against corruption does not mean that our goal is to condemn the people. The constitutional principle of presumption of innocence must be respected,” he stated.

The head of state also said that the security of the state is in danger given the war in Ukraine and the threats generated by Russia’s secret project “Novorrossia”, which covers Moldova too. “The Moldovan army must be reformed. We live in a different time, when there are dangers threatening the state. There is the danger of a military conflict on Moldova’s territory. The rapprochement and cooperation with NATO are our chance. We should have come closer to NATO when the time had been opportune,” he stated.

Nicolae Timofti accused the Russian authorities of becoming involved in the campaign preceding the Governor elections in Gagauzia, saying harsher measures should be taken against the Russian officials who come to Moldova to promote certain candidates for the post of Bashkan. “I think harsher actions are needed. Therefore, I asked Deputy Prime Minister Natalia Gherman to make the necessary approaches to ban the Russian MPs from coming to Moldova outside official visits,” he stated.