
Hanging gun went off, but killed no one yet...


[Info-Prim Neo analysis] One of the general rules of dramaturgy according to which the gun hanging in the corner of the stage will definitely go off at a certain moment of the play worked last week. For the time being, no one was killed. It is not yet known if somebody was hurt and how serious the injury is. It is not known even if there will be victims among those at which the gun was aimed or among those who shot. For the time being... We refer to the statements made by two young persons in a news conference. They said they were active participants in the April 7, 2009 events and asserted that those events, including the devastation of the Parliament Building and the Presidential Office, had been prepared by leaders of the current government, who were then leaders of the main opposition parties. The most serious accusations against them are that they ordered bloodshed and prepared special detachments of mercenaries for the purpose. It is not within the competence of the press to prove the given statements, but such declarations were expected given that the official investigation into the tragic events of April 2009 did not produce results and there are clouds of ambiguity, suspicion and uncertainty above those events that can be compared with the hanging gun that will definitely go off. The lack of clarity in the case of the April 7 events will cause a boomerang effect and it is not known when the blow will be fatal and how many victims it will need. A sinister, but real version is that the entire society will become a victim if those events are rerun, but at a much larger scale. It would be strange if somebody did not use this gun without an owner... Time will show if these statements form part of a wider scenario, of the same scenario that repeatedly announced a ‘hot political autumn’, or of another scenario... The targeted politicians reacted as the politicians usually react. Some of them denied the involvement, but put the authors of the statements in an unfavorable light. Others kept silent and made no comment either as political leaders or as representatives of the political organization. The press reacted as it should in Moldova. It reacted cautiously, probably too cautiously about a subject in which it has expressed interest during over two years. Such a reaction may be partly justified by the fact that one of the authors of the shocking statements said he was the supporter of a non-registered extremist organization that was involved in the April events, while the national and international legislation does not allow promoting extremist persons and messages. But the message conveyed at that news conference cannot be categorically classed as extremist. On the contrary, the young persons pleaded for peace and truth and apologized to the politicians who became victims of their acts. Instead, a part of the press did not hesitate, as the politicians, to look for and distribute somehow discrediting information about the authors of the statements. Volens-nolens, the press contributed to a shift of emphasis as concerns the new details that are either real or unreal, but expected when the official sources provide no information about the April 2009 events. The law enforcement bodies that are obliged to take attitude in such cases reacted in a Moldovan style as well. For the time being, they did not react publicly yet. It is not known yet if that hanging gun still has bullets and if the authors of those acts prepared only this gun or have other guns as well. It is not know if the guns will be aimed at certain targets or at extensive areas. It is not yet known which of the targets at which the gun was fired are real and which are false. But it is known that we, those who are near this ‘war theater’, are exposed to new dangers because it is neither obligatory nor excluded that this ‘fire’ can be used as a pretext for employing other kinds of much more dangerous weapons. We will remain exposed to dangers until the truth about the April 2009 events remains uncovered or hidden. [Valeriu Vasilica, Info-Prim Neo]