
GSP+ system offered to Moldova by UE not very advantageous – expert


The GSP+ general system of preferences offered by the European Union to the Republic of Moldova is of short-term and does not offer many advantages, considers the German economist diplomat, Hans-Jurgen Muller. At the same time, the Moldovan officials present the system as one of the most attractive conditions for foreign investors. The German expert declared for Info-Prim Neo that for some states this preferential system is really attractive for investors. As a rule, it rather regards cheap and little solicited products, as textile products or very simple metals than expensive ones. At the same time, the quoted source mentioned that some facilities are available only for certain quantities of products, and in case their volume exceeds the settled level, the exporters can not benefit of the GSP+ facility system. As well, according to the diplomat, this system includes a very severe control of the origin certificates, so not everyone can have access to these facilities. “It is not clear for how long will Moldova benefit of this preferences, even if they are planned until 2015, because a control for testing the development level of beneficiary states is made every 3 years and anytime changes can appear”, affirmed Hans-Jurgen Muller. According to him, these facilities are welcomed, but the entrepreneurs must not base on them and on the idea that these preferences are available for a long period of time. The economist suggests to the entrepreneurs to focus at a great extent on the quality of the products, in order not to depend of the preferential system. According to the expert, the foreign investors will be truly enthusiastic only when Moldova will manage to sign an association treaty with the European Union, which will offer long-term advantages. The GSP+ preferential system was obtained by the Republic of Moldova on January 1, 2006 and implies that 7200 goods can be exported to EU member countries without taxes. At the same time, according to the Moldovan authorities, the country is at a very advanced stage of negotiations for obtaining an asymmetric commerce, due to which Moldova could obtain free access to the European market for all the range of products produced in the country. It means that the Moldovan products could be exported without customs taxes on both eastern and western markets. According to the deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce, Igor Dodon, such export possibilities are not offered in any other country of the world.