
Grosu: ”Dodon give instructions to current ministers in secret”. Novac: “An invention”


The acting president of the Party of Action and Solidarity Igor Grosu said the former President Igor Dodon continues to have influence on the ministers of the outgoing Government led by Aureliu Ciocoi. According to him, Igor Dodon obliges the current ministers to work in favor of the PSRM so that the Socialists achieve a good result at the snap elections. In reply, Socialist MP Grigore Novac said these accusations are an invention, IPN reports.

PAS leader Igor Grosu insists on the idea of triggering snap parliamentary elections as swiftly as possible so that the country is not managed by the current outgoing Government that continues to promote the interests of ex-President Igor Dodon.

“Even now, in secret, Dodon convokes the ministers and gives them instructions. He convoked Voicu and told him to do his best to secure a proper score in the snap elections. I know what I say. He didn’t even invite them to the party’s office. He invited them to a public institution. Mister Voicu was entrusted with the task of following all the PAS members and all the presidential advisers,” Igor Grosu stated in the talk show “Red Button” on the public TV channel Moldova 1.

For his part, Socialist MP Grigore Novac denied the accusations made by Igor Grosu, saying the current outgoing Government does its job in accordance with the law.

“It is an invention. Dodon does not act like Maia Sandu, who convoked the judges in secret and instructed them. I assure you that the minister of home affairs cannot secure people’s votes,” replied Grigore Novac. 

Ex-Prime Minister Ion Chicu tendered his resignation on December 23, 2020. Later, the premiership was undertaken by outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Aureliu Ciocoi. Under the law, the interim Government fulfills its constitutional duties until a new Cabinet is installed.