
Gross Domestic Product 4.3% up in third quarter


The Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter of this year was 64.323 billion lei in current market prices, a 4.3% increase in real terms compared with the corresponding period last year, IPN has learned from the National Bureau of Statistics.

Wholesale and retail trade, overhaul of motor vehicles, public food and accommodation, agriculture, forestry, fishing, building sector, extractive industry and processing industry contributed to the GDP growth in the period. The taxes on products made a contribution of almost 12% to the formation of the GDP.

Among the sectors that made a negative impact on the GDP growth were the public administration, defense, mandatory social insurance, education, healthcare and social assistance and also the real estate transactions.

From the viewpoint of the utilization of the GDP, the growth was due to the final consumption of households and the gross fixed capital formation. The net exports made a negative impact on the GDP growth owing to the more accentuated contribution of the imports of goods and services to the formation of the GDP, as opposed to that of the exports of goods and services.

In January – September this year, the nominal value of the GDP was 155.212 billion lei in current market prices, up 4.8% in real terms on the same period last year.