
Greens demonstrate for stability, peace, president


Armed with drums and posters, representatives of the environmental party Green Alliance picketed outside the Republic Palace in a bid to convince the opposition Party of Communists of the necessity to vote for the country's president, Info-Prim Neo reports. The demonstrators' posters read “stability”, “peace”, “protect our motherland”, copying the slogans that the Communists used in their latest campaign to recall them that promises must be kept. “The Communists promised us stability, protection of the motherland, so what they need to do now is to elect the president”, says Andrei Dumbraveanu, the Green Alliance's general secretary . “They must overcome their group ambitions, this bolshevik terror, and take part in the vote today, to elect the president of Moldova”. Dumbraveanu added that the early elections would lead to instability, making the April 7 events look like “a minor show” compared to what snap elections might bring about. “If the Communists want stability and statehood, they'd better participate in today's vote”. Anatol Prohnitchi, a senior member of the Green Alliance, argues the failure to elect a president would protract the crisis and make young people in Moldova seek a better living abroad rather than stay here.