
Green Theatre reopens after first stage of renovation


The open-air Green Theater, located in Chisinau’s Valea Morilor Park, reopened yesterday after a first stage of renovation. This was marked by a folk music concert featuring Nicolae Botgros’s Band and friends as well as the “Joc” Folk Dance Ensemble.

“We are reopening the Green Theater after a break during which the Chisinau City Hall carried out repair work as part of the first stage of rehabilitation of this emblematic area for the city. I’m so glad to see so many beautiful people of all ages, thirsty for good music, cultural events and outdoor activities. I’d like to thank our talented artists who are second to none and who create memorable moments for us. The municipality will continue the modernization works of this summer theater, which is the only one of such capacity in Europe, where 10,000 people can watch performances simultaneously”, declared Chisinau Mayor Ion Ceban.

Built in 1957, the Green Theater never saw extensive repair until now, added Ceban. In the first stage, the rehabilitation effort included replacing the seating, revamping the pavement and alleys, repairing the stage and adding two food court zones, among other interventions.

The June 9 concert was organized by the City Hall in partnership with Tezaur TV. This will be followed on Saturday by a pop music concert with a starry lineup and accompaniment from Marcel Roșca’s Simrat Orchestra.