
Green Ecologist Party welcomes decision to dismiss “Moldsilva” director


The Green Ecologist Party (PEV) welcomed the Cabinet’s decision to discharge Stefan Chitoroaga from the post of director of the State Forestry Agency “Moldsilva”. In a communiqué, the PVE says it repeatedly informed the competent bodies about illegal leasing out of wooded areas at derisory prices and their inappropriate use, IPN reports.

“We consider that an important step was taken to stop the thefts committed in Moldova’s forests,” reads the communiqué. The party’s leader Anatolie Prohnitski asked Prime Minister Iurie Leanca to take the next step and to abrogate the decision that allows leasing out wooded areas. “Immediate action is needed. Otherwise, Moldova will remain without forests,” he stated.

In the November 14 meeting of the Cabinet, Stefan Chitoroaga was dismissed by 11 votes in favor for the reason that he used the pool of cars in the election campaign of the Liberal Reformist Party, which proposed him for the post of “Moldosilva” director.

In protest, two Liberal-Reformist ministers left the Cabinet meeting. Later, the Liberal Reformist Party issued a statement, accusing the partners from the government coalition of denouncing the agreement on the formation of the coalition.