
“Green Alliance” urges Communists Party to take part in election of head of state


The Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” at a news conference on Thursday called on the members of the Communists Party to ask their leaders to take political decisions in the interests of all the people, Info-Prim Neo reports. They ask the PCRM to leave the vainglory aside and hold talks with the leaders of all the parliamentary groups so as to reach a compromise and elect the head of state. Members of the Ecologist Party said they talked to the people and realized that these are concerned about the created situation and the possibility of new early legislative elections. The people want “stability and political consensus, not a continuous struggle for destruction and division of people into opposing camps,” the party says in a statement. “Regardless of the political affiliation and electoral sympathies, the Moldovan people would like to see sensible decisions that could take the country out of the crisis. The people want social unity, constructive discussions, not sterile talks and offensive words,” the party also says. The Ecologist Party asks the broadcasters, including the public television channel Moldova 1, to organize televised debates involving the leaders of all the parliamentary parties and of the zonal organizations of these parties and inform the people about the developments in the political life.