“Green Alliance” accuses other parties of aggression
The Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” accuses the other parties running in elections of promoting aggressiveness among the voters, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“The political parties have an aggressive electoral behavior. They use exaggerated amounts of money and lay emphasis on the April 7 protests, disorientating the voters event more. Most of those that run in elections divide the society into black and white,” the party’s president Vladimir Braga said at a news conference on Monday.
According to Braga, the aggressiveness is tolerated because the people forgot about God, while the parties show once again that they did not manage to hold talks to solve the problems faced by the society. He said that if the party that he presents enters the Parliament, they will propose a bill to introduce religion as school subject.
The Greens say that Moldova can overcome the economic, ecological and political crises only if the problems are addressed from an ecological angle.
“The Republic of Moldova is on the verge of an economic, ecological and political catastrophe. The political parties try to persuade the voters by providing incorrect information at the electoral meetings. The public debates were organized nonprofessionally and do not allow distributing correct information,” said Anatolie Prohnitchi, a member of the Ecologist Party.
Prohnitchi said that Moldova faces a spiritual disaster as its origins and national culture are not recognized. “We have the same culture as the Romanians and we must plead for European integration through Romania. We must give priority to the national culture and language,” he said.
The members of the Ecologist Party promise that if they enter the Parliament they will create 100,000 workplaces at small and medium-sized enterprises.
The Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” is written under No. 8 in the ballot.