
Grains of I group and vegetables harvest to be finished by mid August


Harvesting grains of I group and vegetables is due to be finished by August 15, and the works are done very efficiently, the ministry of Agriculture noted. Autumn plantations occupy a surface of about 290,000 hectares, 126,000 hectares of them being harvested already, or 31%. About 3,000 combines and 2,000 reapers are involved in harvesting works. The harvesting campaign of cereals of I group and vegetables was the topic of a recent meeting of the republican staff for coordinating and operative solving of matters related to harvesting works, chaired by Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev. The Central Union „Moldcoop” is ready to purchase about 12,000 tones of wheat, and the Material Stocks, Public Purchases and Humanitarian Aid Agency - about 30,000 tones of wheat in the state stock. The head of the executive urged to increase control in order to prevent burning straws on stubble fields, in order to preserve the fertile bed of the soil. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) forecasts for 2006 a global harvest of 780,000 tones of wheat. According to experts, this quantity will be sufficient for ensuring the food security of RM. About 110,000 tones of wheat of the new crop is to be stocked at “Franzeluta” JSC and other bakeries. On the whole, the food security for 2006-2007 will be ensured by 365,000 tones of food wheat.