Gown becomes a problem for lawyers
The lawyers complain that though they were obliged to wear gowns during
hearings, the courts are not outfitted with special rooms where they
could change clothes and put gowns on, especially now in winter,
Info-Prim Neo reports.
In the Lawyers Congress on Saturday, Gheorghe Amihalachioaie, the
president of the Lawyers Union, said no court in Moldova has such rooms
even if the law porvides for this.
Another lawyer from Chisinau, Iurie Cuciuc said the courts are very poor
and do not have even enough chairs in the rooms where the hearings are
held. "There are no rooms where we can change and where we could examine
the cases. We do not have chairs on which to sit," said Iurie Cuciuc.
"The gown should be ironed and clean so that we look appropriately,"
said another lawyer Eugenia Moldovan.
The lawyers in Moldova are obliged to wear gowns in hearings from
January 1, 2011.