
Government’s lawyer at CC: It is a historic decision for country’s democracy


The Government’s lawyer Eduard Digore said the Constitutional Court’s decision by which the Shor Party was declared unconstitutional is a historic one for Moldova’s democracy. According to him, the decision is well-founded and was taken based on evidence presented by the Government, IPN reports.

“We consider this is a historic moment for the political activity in the Republic of Moldova. From this moment, the political parties will probably not be able to conduct political activities in any way, with any violation of the law. Each political party should read the arguments that will be presented in the Constitutional Court’s decision and should abide by them or they risk being declared unconstitutional,” stated Eduard Digore.

The Shor Party was outlawed. The decision was pronounced by the Constitutional Court on Monday following the Government’s request to examine the constitutionality of this party. Since the CC passed its decision, the Shor Party is considered dissolved. No document adopted by the bodies of this party after the given decision was pronounced has legal power. The given decision is definitive, cannot be challenged, takes effect when it is adopted and is published in the Official Gazette. CC judge Sergey Țurcan formulated a dissident opinion on the issue, while CC judge Vladimir Țurcan formulated a separate opinion. Representatives of the Shor Party described the CC’s decision abusive and criminal. According to them, this will be the first CC decision that will be annulled by the European Court of Human Rights.