
Government will take extraordinary measures to incase salaries and pensions


Following the rise in prices, the Government in September will take measures to help the salary earners with children and the pensioners, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița stated in a program on Radio Moldova station, IPN reports.

The official noted that by 3,000 lei in lump sums will be offered in the public sector to those who have salaries lower than 15,000 lei. The lump sum for those with pensions lower than 5,000 lei will be 1,500 lei. Child benefit will be raised to 1,000 lei a month.

“We will help the entrepreneurs by subsidizing the rise in interest rate. This is one more measure that would help business entities so that we have jobs. On the other hand, it is a measure aimed at tempering the rise in prices as, by taking out more expensive loans, the entrepreneurs increase the price of products,” explained the Premier.

The salaries will rise by 6% in the public sector. “The goal is to increase the salaries of those who have small salaries. In this difficult situation, we will not allow high raises for those with higher salaries, if only there were we aim to intervene as we need very good expertise,” said Natalia Gavrilița.

The increase in prices is a consequence of the world economic and energy crisis, said the authorities. As Moldova is dependent on imported energy resources, it almost fully depends on the international situation.