
Government says Orhei extraordinary commission’s decisions are illegal and void


The decisions concerning schools and public events announced by the local extraordinary public health commission of Orhei district are void, while the derogation from the decisions taken by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission is a violation of the law, the Government said, being quoted by IPN.

According to the Government’s press service, the Orhei local extraordinary public health commission on January 21 held a meeting and took decisions that run counter to those adopted by the National Commission, which is an abuse. Only the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission sets down the rules in the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. This consists of the heads of a number of state institutions involved in the management of the pandemic, epidemiologists and internal medicine physicians. Each decision is discussed, argued and adjusted to the experience of other states and to the recommendations of international organizations.

The Government noted the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission’s decisions are binding on the local extraordinary public health commissions. The specialized institutions of the state were instructed to determine the legality of all the actions taken by the Orhei local extraordinary public health commission.

Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco posted on Facebook that Orhei at the start of last week was on orange alert that already implied particular restrictions. A number of 128 cases of COVID-19 were reported in Orhei last week and the figure doubled in only several days. Each day, Orhei reports cases of infection among medical staff. Pressure on the health system is enormous and the pediatric beds in the country are nearly insufficient limit. But the district administration is not concerned. The state institutions will be requested to establish the legality of the decisions adopted by the local commission.

In a press release, the Orhei District Council says the Orhei local extraordinary public health commission decided that the students of the district will continue to attend lessons in classrooms even if the central authorities ordered to close schools and to switch to online. However, in the education institutions in which at least one case of COVID-19 is detected, the given classes will be in quarantine for 14 days and will go online. Also, the holding of scientific meetings, conferences, seminars and other similar events are permitted with physical presence in Orhei, by obeying all the current anti-COVID norms. The commission also allowed staging private events, such as wedding parties, baptizing ceremonies, commemoration or festive meals and public events. The amusement parks and recreational areas continue work.

According to the head of Orhei district Dinu Țurcanu, if the epidemiological situation worsens, the Orhei local extraordinary public health commission will be convened immediately to come up with new proposals for stopping the spread of the virus. If the infection risks diminish, the commission will review the imposed restrictions and will gradually lift them.

In anticipation of a rise in coronavirus cases due to the Omicron variant, the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission last week decided that between January 24 and at least February 4, public schools will apply online learning. Access to commercial, service and recreational areas will be permitted on the presentation of COVID certificates only. All educational and instructive gatherings, such as conferences or seminars, will have to be held online as well. The same goes to professional meetings. Public and private entities have been instructed to organize work remotely or in shifts where possible.